Deadline : 4 Maret 2016
Penyelenggara : Student’s Council of English and Literature Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan
Untuk : Mahasiswa S1 dan S2 seluruh Indonesia
Kategori : Tulisan
Jenis Perlombaan :
Essay Competition
Theme :
Essay Competition in NEC V is held by Student’s Council of English and Literature Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan. The theme of this competition is “A Moment to Shine Brighter”.
This competition also has several sub-themes such as:
- Education – Breaking Out the Problems in Education to Produce More Competitive Human Resources
- Culture – Exploring the Wealth of Indonesian Cultures to Strengthen the National Identity in the Global World
- Youth – Being a Role Model for Public in Character Building
- Students of both undergraduate (S1) and post-graduate (S2) studies from all over Indonesia can submit their papers.
- This competition is an individual competition.
- Every participant is allowed to send two manuscripts.
- The participant must fulfill the administration requirements and fill up the registration form.
- The participant pays the registration fee through the bank which is chosen by the committee and sends the scanned payment receipt via e-mail
- The registration fee is Rp. 85.000,00
- The registration fee is sent to the bank account by the number as follow :
- The participant is pleased to do the confirmation to this phone number 0823-6478-7959) (Lucky) for notifying that s/he has sent the manuscript at least 24 hours after sending the manuscript.
- The participant must attach a scanned/copied self-identity card like student card.
- The participant must fulfill and complete the declaration of originality.
- The registration form and declaration of originality are attached in competition guide.
Essay Terms
- Original, The script should be original; neither a plagiarized nor translated work can be accepted. The script has never been published in any media and submitted to any similar competition event. Violation of this first rule will cause a participant to be disqualified.
- Innovative, The script preferably contains innovative ideas which are sufficiently supported by the realistic theories.
- Systematic, The essay should be organized in a clear and chronological order and be supported by credible sources of information or data.
- The judges’ decision is undisputable.
- The submitted script becomes the committee’s archive and will not be returned.
- The committee has a right to publish the essay script in any kind of media yet maintains the ownership.
- Writing terms :
- The title is typed in capital letters.
- The writer’s name is written below the title.
- The writer’s institution is written below the writer’s name.
- a CV of the writer is attached at the last page.
- The length of the script is 1.500 (one thousand and five hundred) words.
- The essay should be written in formal English.
- The essay is typed with double space in A4 paper by using Times New Roman 12pt.
- The margin terms; left 4cm, right 3cm, top 3cm, bottom 3cm.
- Phone number of your institution and a contact number should be written in the CV.
- If necessary, footnote can be used.
- Arrangement
- Cover
- Script/contents
- Appendix
- Page number is not used in cover and appendix sheet. Cover format: Title, Institution logo, writer’s name, student’s registration number, faculty/department, year.
- Page number is started from the content of the script by using Arabic number (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) in the right-bottom corner.
- The certificate for the participants will be given by e-mail after the competition finishes.
Best 50 (fifty) scripts will be published in a book by using ISBN (International Standard Book Numbering) as a standard.
Best 5 (five) scripts will be invited to be presented in front of the judges on 19th March 2016 at State University of Medan. Best 3 (three) scripts will be awarded as the 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners and deserve to get:
- Trophy
- Certificate of appreciation
- Coaching fund
Competition Schedule
7th of January - 4th of March 2016, Via e-mail
Deadline of Sending the Script
4th of March 2016, Via e-mail
Best 5 Finalists Announcement
12th of March 2016, Via Website
Presenting the Essay in front of the Judges and announcing 3 Winners
19th of March 2016
Field Trip for the Finalists
20th of March 2016
The Submission of Manuscript
- The submission is received by the committee on 4th March, 2016 by no later than 23:59 pm.
- Script Delivery Via E - mail. The manuscript is sent in softcopy form to the official e-mail address by attaching a Curriculum Vitae (CV) ; declaration of originality , a copy of student card (scanned form). Attaching a scanned payment receipt. Both of manucsript and CV are in PDF and MS Word file format. Those files should be put in zip/rar .All the files are stored in a folder/directory and the name of the folder shoud be written in a rule as follow : Essay-2016-Institution-Writer’sName-3_First_Words_of_the_Title
Informasi Lanjut
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